what is latam fc?
LATAM FC stands for Latin American Football Club. It is an ESL and soccer program that provides Latino youth in Rockford both an opportunity to improve their English language competency through an ESL class after school and a chance to be a part of a soccer program to improve their soccer skills through weekly practices. It meets weekly throughout the year on Mondays after school from 3:30-6:30pm. Students engage in an hour-long English lesson, an hour soccer training session, a shared meal, and transportation back home.
LATAM has become a safe third space they know they can count on every week. It has evolved into a close community where everyone cares for one another and is something they can enjoy with friends.
Who is latam fc for?
LATAM FC serves Latino youth, whose primary speaking language is Spanish, in the Rockford School District. The majority of our students come from Jefferson High School since it is the school district’s main bilingual program for Spanish speakers. For the most part, it has attracted mainly High Schoolers at all grade levels.
The program has attracted students from diverse backgrounds from Rockford’s Latino community. Countries represented include: Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Ecuador, Peru, and Columbia. LATAM FC served 30 youth in 2024.
Why is latam fc needed?
LATAM FC meets many needs for one of Rockford’s most under-resourced communities:
Helps participants overcome a language barrier not only in the immediate but also sets them on a trajectory for the future in improving their English competency through additional classes.
Allows many of its participants the opportunity to participate in an organized team sport that may not be available to them for various reasons.
Provides participants with a community of close friends and trusted adults, through coaches and mentors, that many would not have outside of this program. As a result, LATAM FC offers its participants a safe third space to belong as they continue to connect with the larger Rockford community.
Youth Highlight: Meet Jesús*
Meet Jesús! Jesús and his family immigrated from Honduras to Rockford, sacrificing much in search of more opportunities to better their life. One key opportunity Jesús has taken advantage of is education, graduating from high school in 2024 and now enrolled in classes at Rock Valley with hopes of getting into the medical field as a nurse or doctor.
Jesús is also one of the original members of the LATAM FC program and has grown into a key leader on the team. When Jesús first joined, all he was interested in was playing soccer, but he came to realize that this program offered so much more.
Jesús loves being a part of LATAM FC because it's a place where he feels like he can belong and participate in community. For Jesús, LATAM FC is more than just getting to hang out with friends, playing soccer, and learning English. He truly feels he has gained a larger family and people in his corner who want to see him succeed in life.
After reflecting on LATAM FC’s impact on his life, he wishes more programs like these existed in Rockford for its Latino community. For those who financially support LATAM FC or give of their time, Jesús would say Thank You because of the impact it is having now and can have for future generations of Rockford’s Latino community.
*name has been changed for youth privacy
Coach’s note
Meet Juan! Juan is the current head coach and ESL instructor of LATAM FC. Here are Juan’s thoughts on LATAM FC and the impact it is having on Rockford’s Latino youth!
“What I enjoy most about this program is the encouraging culture, family-like community, and observing personal progress in the lives of our students. I absolutely love coaching and watching them play soccer passionately, and I also marvel at the progress some students have had with their English. I have noticed significant growth in different areas of these teens’ lives like developing communication skills and chemistry that successful teams need.
People should care about this program because it’s opening doors to these young men, who would otherwise never experience such community, love, and opportunities. LATAM takes the next generation of young Latino men and gives them an additional family, skills for success, and teaches them to be kind, respectful, and courageous. I am excited to see how this program will affect the lives of our students.”