Volunteer with Stateline YFC

We would love for you to find a way to use your gifts in YFC's mission of raising up lifelong followers of Jesus in the Stateline area.

Find the Opportunity That’s Right for You

Meal Teams: Some of the greatest conversations happen over a meal. Visit us at one of our ministry sites and make and serve a meal to teens and see YFC's ministry in action. This is a great option for individuals or groups looking for a place to serve in the community. Learn more here.

Contact Lauren to see available dates and sign up as a meal team.

Meal Team Resource: Here is an example meal planning sheet adapted from a current meal team’s planning document. They created a breakdown of all the items required for a taco meal for 50 at City Life Club. Several people from their church and small group will sign up to purchase and/or make a portion of the meal. They then coordinate with the small group’s meal team lead to deliver their item in advance. Then, a few people from the small group will deliver and serve the already-made meal to City Life Club on a Thursday night. Huge thanks to this team for this resource!

Not able to provide a whole meal? Consider sponsoring a pizza for one of our after-school groups for $45.

Ministry Leaders/Mentors: Become an active ministry leader/mentor through City Life, Campus Life, or Juvenile Justice Ministry. Invest in an authentic, Christ-sharing relationship with a teen in our community, empowering them spiritually, socially, and emotionally. Learn more here. There are opportunities to serve anywhere from being a mentor to transporting youth to a ministry night to leading an arts and crafts activity!

Prayer Team: We believe and need the power of prayer as we minister in the community. Contact us to learn more about joining a prayer team and receiving specific requests concerning YFC's various ministries.

Provide Wishlist Items: You can also support our ministries by helping us to stock our ministry sites with items that we use weekly. Contact us to coordinate a snack drive!

  • Boxes of disposable forks & spoons

  • Napkins, plastic cups (for water), paper plates, paper bowls

  • Cases of 8oz bottles of water

  • Schnuck’s gift cards for donuts (contacting at schools)

  • Boxes of Individual bags of Oreos/Chips Ahoy cookies

  • Boxes of Individual chip bags (Flaming Hot variety, Takis, Doritos, Potato chips, etc.)

  • Fruit snacks, Fruit roll-ups, Gushers

  • Mac & Cheese & Ramen in a cup

  • Boxes of movie theatre type candy (Ex: Mike & Ikes, Swedish Fish, Skittles, M&M’s, Sour Patch Kids)

Leadership Development: Our staff and ministry leaders always need to be challenged to become more effective as leaders. If you have passion for encouraging young leaders in our community, please join us for a staff/volunteer meeting and share a leadership challenge. Contact Haddon Anderson regarding such an opportunity.

Read the extended list of opportunities with more details here.

Ready to give life to your story? Apply to be a volunteer.

or Leave your contact info & we’ll reach out to you about getting involved.