Kingdom Inspired Diversity

By Haddon Anderson

Will lament over injustice towards the black community fade in a few weeks? Will cries for change wane?

Maybe this is already happening. Maybe buzz about this was simply a trend for many.

But the black community is still grieving and desiring change. Will their cries be heard?

Personally, I find this conversation to be critically important for a couple reasons:

1) As a believer in Jesus Christ, concern over injustice is central to God’s heart. Isaiah 1:17 states, “seek justice, correct oppression.” I am compelled to consider the ways the gospel of Jesus Christ invades broken hearts and broken systems to bring about transformation. I am learning here, but this is my heart.

2) One of our cultural attributes at Youth for Christ is “Kingdom Inspired Diversity.” The diversity on our YFC team is a reflection of God’s kingdom, and we believe there is great beauty in this. We will not allow this to be a trend that fades. We are committed to Kingdom Inspired Diversity. This is at the core of who we are.

Yesterday, some of our staff had conversation outside a restaurant for around three hours. Multiple black and white team members were present. We discussed race vulnerably with one another. We listened. We learned. We laughed. We even prayed at the conclusion of our time.

Kingdom Inspired Diversity…in action.

And this is merely the beginning. There are more conversations to be had. There are more books to read. Efforts need to be made to understand history and to grasp the systemic nature of the injustices before solutions for change can be realized.

This will not happen overnight. This is a long journey.

But through a posture of humility, we are committed. Kingdom Inspired Diversity is not fading from who we are, because who we are is rooted in the love of Jesus Christ who brings beauty out of our brokenness, who brings lights where there is darkness, who brings hope where there is none, and who is beautifully reflected in the diversity of His image bearers.

We invite you to join us as we lament, learn, and move towards action—action that uplifts Kingdom Inspired Diversity.
