The Ministry Continues...

By Beth Fontana

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

I have written many notes to the students that are being housed at DOC and the county jail. This week I put that verse in each one of their notes. I have also texted this to the young people we are working with on the outside. 

This beautiful verse is a reminder to me and hopefully to you of our great need to find joy in trusting our Savior. We know this is no surprise to our Great God and that He is completely in control. Now we need to trust Him during this unprecedented time in our country and our world. 

I am going to continue to ask God to help me with trusting Him and not depend on what I think might or might not happen. I want to acknowledge Him and allow Him to direct my paths. 

This includes how we continue to minister to our precious young men and women. Our theme for this time is not to cancel, but to replace. Here are a few things we are doing and will continue to seek God on we can be creative with coming alongside our at-risk youth.

This week:

We have delivered groceries to two families of young men we are working with on the outside.

We kept in contact with them through texting.

We sent notes to young people housed in DOC and the county jail.

We talked to parents over the phone to see how they are doing during this time, especially those whose children are being housed in the JDC. 

We sent encouraging notes to the staff at the JDC.

We held Zoom staff meetings to brainstorm how we move forward.

As we move through this time please pray for our young people and how we can connect with them. Pray for the staff at the JDC. Pray for the YFC staff as we creatively find a way to connect with students. I am not a huge fan of technology, but right now I am a huge fan of technology. Grateful to God that we are able to use technology for good. Our church doors may be closed, but the church will still gather in new and creative ways! 

Continue to pray for our world and our leaders. Pray that this is the time that God will unite us as a country. We need to be united! 
