By Haddon Anderson
Ministry is both rewarding and draining. It is common for ministry leaders to operate from a state of emotional exhaustion.
At YFC, we recognize this challenge, and we are placing an emphasis in 2020 on growing as healthy leaders. Our staff recently launched a book study on "The Emotionally Healthy Leader" by Peter Scazzero.
To better understand the nature of an emotionally unhealthy leader, consider this definition from the book:
““The emotionally unhealthy leader is someone who operates in a continuous state of emotional and spiritual deficit, lacking emotional maturity and a “being with God” sufficient to sustain their “doing for God.” ”
This definition prompts conviction. It is easy to become overly focused on constantly "pouring out" for God and others. Our identity can subtly become wrapped up in our "doing for God," our achievements, and our status before others.
In that process, we neglect resting in our identity in Christ, as His beloved created people. We therefore lead others from a shaky, unsustainable foundation. Such rhythms can create devastating consequences spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.
Scazzero captures the immeasurable value of developing one’s inner life: including slowing down for growth in intimacy with Christ, leading out of one's marriage and family, facing shadows of our past, and practicing a delight in the Sabbath.
We are dwelling on what it looks like to grow in these areas. We by no means are downplaying the tremendous value of pursuing ministry with a vigorous passion and burden, but we grasp that to do this effectively, we must lead out of our identity in Christ and establish healthy practices that develop emotional maturity and a "being with God" sufficient to sustain our "doing for God."
In the coming weeks, you will find posts from our staff members on their reflections amidst this journey. As God shapes our hearts, we hope that some lessons may encourage you as well.
Please reach out if anything resonates and you'd like to connect in more detail!