Everyone has a story. Unfortunately, the stories of too many of our youth are defined by difficulties. Depression, loneliness, pain, and confusion are common themes. Stateline Youth for Christ's motto is "Give Life to Your Story." We seek to “give life” to the stories of our youth through our ministries. We specifically long to witness young people filled with new life that is found in Jesus Christ. Rather than see stories characterized by despair, we long to see stories redeemed through faith in Christ.
Stateline Youth for Christ is actively engaging youth in our community, forming relationships in schools, churches, and our local Y.M.C.A. Through these programs, we have the privilege of watching youth encounter faith, hope, and love. God is doing a beautiful work as young people see how their story is connected to God’s greater Story.
As I lead Stateline Youth for Christ, my vision is to simply reach more young people with the hope of Christ. Would you consider partnering with us? Here are three opportunities to support our work:
1. Prayer: Please pray that God would transform youth in our community, and ask Him for direction and strength for our organization.
2. Financial Support: A generous, monthly donation carries major significance as it helps us construct programs and plan for new avenues of ministry.
3. Volunteers: We desire servant-hearted volunteers with a heart to develop meaningful relationships. Your investment in just one young person can have ripples for eternity.
Do not hesitate to reach out to me to learn more about Stateline Youth for Christ and my passion for this ministry.
In Christ,
Haddon Anderson