City Life Launches Life Skills Class, and Here's Why...


How can we introduce teens to Christ and equip them to faithfully serve Him? This is a question of vital importance.

City Life seeks to do both – uplifting the gospel and teaching valuable life skills. This is why we recently launched a Life Skills class in partnership with the Rock River Valley YMCA. We have a heart to “make disciples” of Christ (Matthew 28:19) who embrace the gospel, learn new skills, and develop as leaders who serve Christ and others.

Our outreach must be “holistic” in this sense.

Many of the youth we serve do not know Christ or possess an understanding of the Bible. Some have skewed views of God and His love. It is imperative that we teach the gospel, highlight the narrative of Scripture, and connect youth to local churches. An encounter with the goodness of God’s love is our hope and prayer. Our young people are the future of the Church.

Many of the youth we serve also lack an understanding of basic life skills. It is thus also important that we instruct life skills that empower. An emphasis on such skills and mindsets will increase the capacity of youth to flourish as God-honoring people. Our youth are the future “salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13).  

This is what is happening at City Life, and the Life Skills class is an exciting development in achieving our mission. The class will feature topics such as Career Readiness, Time Management, Financial Literacy, and more. Guest speakers from a variety of fields will share their knowledge and experience. Youth will be encouraged in their self-esteem, as beloved children of God with invaluable worth to their Creator and our world.

Do you want to partner with us? Please reach out. We are looking for volunteers, including mentors and guest speakers. Let’s empower our youth together.

8 Ways to Pray for Rockford in 2018

Here are 8 ways to pray for Rockford in 2018. Will you commit to praying for our city?

Photo by {artist}/{collectionName} / Getty Images

Photo by {artist}/{collectionName} / Getty Images

1. Pray for gospel transformation rooted in Christ's power, in which hearts are truly transformed and empowered to serve Christ and others (Romans 1:16). 

2. Pray that this transformation will bring growth and healing to our city spiritually, racially, socially, and academically (Jeremiah 29:7).

3. Pray for racial reconciliation centered upon the gospel to build bridges that point our city to Christ and love for one another (Ephesians 2:11-22).

4. Pray for community leaders to serve with godly wisdom and a heart for all Rockford citizens to flourish (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

5. Pray for Christians to lament our sin, including indifference to pain in our community. May we humbly examine our hearts, confess our shortcomings and at times ignorance, and allow space to learn and respond to others in love and humility (Proverbs 28:13).

6. Pray for churches and Christian organizations to work together in harmony to see growth in the gospel and our city changed (John 17:20-21).

7. Pray for our youth. Pray AGAINST the many evils challenging our young people, and pray FOR Christ to be known and lives to be transformed in all areas (2 Timothy 2:22).

8. Pray for churches, schools, businesses, and nonprofits to collectively influence structural evils in our city and seek after justice in Christ's name (Isaiah 1:17). 

Support Youth for Christ on #GivingTuesday

What is YFC's mission?

We are focused on building Christ-centered, mentoring relationships with teens, specifically within schools, community centers, and our local juvenile detention center.



Can you give an example of an influential mentoring relationship?

An active YFC volunteer at City Life has mentored a young man who has experienced dysfunction and isolation. Over the last couple years, this young man, largely through the influence of his mentor, has obtained a driver's license, received multiple jobs, completed his GED, and learned to manage a savings account. More importantly, this relationship has featured regular dialogue on the gospel message and the Bible. This type of relational approach is the emphasis in all of Youth for Christ's ministries.


Where is YFC currently active?

We currently have four ministry sites: Auburn & Guilford High Schools (Campus Life), I.D. Pennock YMCA (City Life), and our local juvenile detention center (Juvenile Justice Ministry).


What is YFC's vision to reach additional youth?

Our vision is to expand Campus Life to additional schools, namely East and Jefferson High Schools. We also hope to launch another City Life site in an under-resourced area of Rockford and deepen efforts within the juvenile detention center in partnership with Rockford Reachout. The ultimate goal is developing hundreds of Christ-centered, mentoring relationships with teens that empower young people spiritually, socially, and academically.



Why should I support YFC on #GivingTuesday?

A contribution to Youth for Christ is deeply meaningful in supporting YFC's vision to provide needed mentorship to lost youth in the Rockford area. Every dollar moves us closer to expanding outreach to additional teens.



Please reach out to Executive Director Haddon Anderson (, 815-871-6409) if you have comments or questions.

See the Story Meal Teams

There is power in not only serving, but also seeing ministry in action.


This is why we have launched See the Story Meal Teams at Youth for Christ. These teams will provide a meal for 40-60 teens at City Life (Thursday evenings, 6:30-8:30 PM, I.D. Pennock YMCA Log Lodge) while also having the opportunity to catch a glimpse of what we do in person.

The majority of the teens City Life serves come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Many go weeks without a nourishing meal. Serving them in this manner is meaningful and needed.

And it’s our hope that this opportunity goes beyond serving a meal. See the teens interact. Witness the staff and volunteers engage. Even ask a teen to share their story with you. Come “See the Story” taking place at City Life and let God stir your heart.

Please fill out the Sign-up Sheet that includes available dates, and Youth for Christ staff will be in touch. Thank you for considering!

YFC Golf Outing 2017

On July 31st, Youth for Christ held its annual Golf Outing at Mauh-Nah-Tee-See Country Club. We had 78 total golfers and close to 100 present for the evening program, which included over 30 donated silent auction items. Thank you to those who volunteered to help make this event a success, and a huge thanks to our sponsors. An event like this is not possible without your generosity.

Sponsors: SVL Productions, Inc., Jack Wolf Auto Group, Schmeling, Lorna Haugen Tutoring & Editing, A & B Freight, Business Advisors, Dan & Jean Clark, Edgebrook Physical Therapy, Eldridge Roofing, Indelecon, John Widell Construction, Larson & Larson Builders, Members Alliance Credit Union, Prairie Street Brewhouse, Rock Valley Credit Union, Stenstrom Petroleum, Stifel, Swedish American Foundation, Ticomix, Trekk, Tuneberg Dental, Wells Fargo, & Woodman’s

Stories: An Evening of Fellowship & Celebration (2017 Annual Banquet)

Powerful stories were shared. Our vision was embraced. And the lives of young people will be changed. We are extremely thankful for our 2017 annual banquet!

We greatly appreciate our guest speakers: Carandus Brown (Rockford Housing Authority & Total Faith Community Church), Mike Brown (President and CEO, Rock River Valley YMCA), Gus Carter (Assistant Principal, Auburn High School), and Regina Hayes (Parent/Guardian of City Life student). Thank you for sharing your heart for youth and our community!

We would also like to thank Mayor Elect Tom McNamara for his presence and support!

Finally, we could not do it without our Sponsors. Thank you to our Platinum sponsor, Subway, as well as Field Fastener, SVL Productions, Dr. John & Dena Koehler, Ticomix, Inc., The Crosby Law Firm, Jack Wolf Chrysler Jeep, Members Alliance Credit Union, Chuck & Karen Blomgren, David Zierke - State Farm Agent, A & B Freight, Anderson Toyota, John Widell Construction, Business Advisors Group, Lori Haugen Tutoring, and Culver's. We are so appreciative of your contributions!

Join us on April 11th for YFC's Annual Banquet

Stateline Youth for Christ’s second annual fundraising banquet will be held at Giovanni’s on April 11th (6-8 PM). The title of the event (“Stories: All Things New”) captures the heart of YFC’s mission: to help young people see how their story is connected to God’s greater Story, that new life can be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

This year’s event will feature a variety of guest speakers. We will hear from individuals connected to YFC’s ministry as well as influential leaders from community partners such as the YMCA and the Rockford Public Schools.

We will also highlight our various ministry models, which include Campus Life, City Life, Core, and a soon-to-be-launched Juvenile Justice Ministry.

We want those in attendance to gain a quality understanding of what we do while also seeing our long-term vision. In an effort to expand our ministries, it’s our hope that more people would embrace our mission and consider ways to support Youth for Christ.

Please join us on April 11th. Click here for registration information.

The Value of "Authentic Christ-Sharing Relationships"

A former pastor of mine once asked me what I remember better: A) the five most influential sermons I’ve ever heard; or B) the five most influential people in my life.

Now please hear me: I fully support biblical preaching and believe in its power and importance in transforming hearts. But my former pastor’s question magnifies a critical piece to our spiritual maturity: Relationships have serious influence. It’s through life-giving relationships where growth in Christ is uniquely developed as stories are shared, struggles are heard, and hope is found.

Some of the best ministry advice I’ve ever been given is simply this: Listen. Through asking questions and listening, a genuine relationship is launched. Walls come down. Trust is built. One’s humanity is dignified. And channels are opened for the grace and truth of Christ to resonate most deeply.

Youth for Christ emphasizes developing “authentic Christ-sharing relationships” with teenagers. This means that ministry leaders not only seek to introduce teens to Christ, but they’re also developing healthy relationships with them.

I’m coming to appreciate this emphasis more and more. Young people are wrestling with a host of issues. Depression, family dysfunction, and negative peer pressure are often defining their stories. Moreover, questions surrounding topics like sexuality, self-worth, and future aspirations are frequently unanswered or untouched.

Youth are too often devoid of positive relationships where there is constructive dialogue on life’s challenges. It’s vital that we create safe space for young people to discuss their fears, doubts, and pain. This space creates opportunities for growth in Christ to take place together, within the context of an authentic Christ-sharing relationship.

It’s my hope that Stateline Youth for Christ can embody building such relationships with teens in our community. Please pray for fruitfulness in our ministry, and please also consider joining our team of ministry leaders who are actively pursuing our youth.

-Haddon Anderson